+30 2646081323


At a maximum distance of 150 km., in other words – an hour and a half ride, given the opportunity for daily flight in a very popular historical and tourist destinations


Our hotel is located in a very quiet area, 500 meters from the Provincial Road Plantations – Mytikas and is within 450 meters from the Ionian sea. The area is ideal for all types of holidays without challenging movements inclusive for all budgets and for all ages. Mytikas is a lovely , quiet, traditional village of island atmosphere for an unforgettable vacation. Unforgettable will be the mini-cruise across to the islands Kalamos, Meganisi, Skorpios.

At a maximum distance of 150 km., in other words – an hour and a half ride, given the opportunity for daily flight in a very popular historical and tourist destinations.


The Reed is the small island in the Ionian Sea, very close to the western coast of Acarnania, just across from the village of Mytikas of Aitoloakarnania. It is mostly mountainous, the top of the mountain that dominates the island reaches 745 m. The communication to the mainland is by boat, with itineraries from and to the Mytikas on the coast of Acarnania. The island is famous for its beautiful beaches and a lot of people who visit it.

The island became known in the Orlov from the raids that struck off the coast of Lambros Katsonis in 1791. In the years of the Greek Revolution of 1821, the island was deserted. After the Battle of Peta (4 Jul. 1822) those who were unable to flee in Messolonghi landed in Kalamos, which then was under English rule.




The town is thought to have existed from the Mycenaean period. Proof of this are the walls of the City that part of it belongs to the 2nd millennium bc.g. The construction of the walls alternated between square shaped and Polygonal system and the whole of them belongs to different periods of time. The port of Ancient Paleros was found in the place of today's Pogonias, in the Southeastern part of the Peninsula, where they have identified the remains of port facilities to the East of the village.

At the Centre of the Peninsula of the Slope in place of the Tank there was a fortress, which was controlled visually the area to the Northwest and Southeast. The fort was built in the mid-5th century, when a view is identified with the Ancient City Solion, a colony of the Corinthians. The ruins and the views of Historians on the fortress of Sterna if there was some great ancient city, and who was that differ. The Solion was a naval station of Corinth that was conquered during the Peloponnesian war, the Athenians and, according to Thucydides (430 p.X.) it was in the possession of Palereon-Akarnania.

North of the city of Paleros spreads the Lake Boulkaria, the Lake Myrtoudion by Strabo. The lake is probably a remnant of a lagoon that Is closing the extent of the current valley of Paleros during the Epic years. The lagoon that was during the delivery savior of the Queen Cleopatra, when during the Battle of Actium on the run from her pursuers passed easily with the ships of the shallow groove of Paleros. Memory the above passage of the Queen of Egypt, is the preservation of the Name of the ancient passage as a “Dock of Cleopatra”.

After the victory of the Romans at Actium in 31 bc.X., lost the trail of the ancient Paleros and Historically this has been attributed to the establishment of Nicopolis after the Battle of Actium. The foundation of Nikopolis 30 p.X. it is an important fact for the distribution of population and the economy in the whole of the Mainland. The surrounding towns are losing a significant part of their potential, with the result converted to περιοικίδες cities of the new Diocese, so the Akarnania is territorioum of this new city.



The modern city is built near the ancient Anaktorio for this reason, and the municipality seat of which is the Vonitsa is called the Municipality of Anaktorio. The ancient Anaktorio was an important city of Acarnania, and was founded by the Corinthians in 630 bc.X. Like most cities of Acarnania fell into decline when the Romans founded the City on the opposite side of the Amvrakikos and forced the inhabitants of the region to be transferred there. With time, the Byzantine era the city flourished again, with the name of Vonitsa this time and in the exact spot where it is today. During the Ottoman rule, the city passed for a long time under the control of the Venetians, and in particular from 1684 until 1797. In 1832, became part of the new Greek state.

The principal monuments are still preserved today in the area are:

  1. The Castle of Kechropoulas. There is a pillar of the double precinct of the Ancient Akarnakikis City and also have been preserved remains of ancient buildings.
  2. Main attraction is the venetian castle of Vonitsa, which is one of the most well-preserved in all of Greece. In the area there are also many old temples, and the beautiful little island in the gulf in front of the town, joined by a bridge and is ideal for walks.
  3. The Archaeological site of Sterna, which is located near the Old Slope.
  4. The Castles of the Slope, which probably formed part of the fortification complex of the Tern.
  5. The Castle of Grivas in Peratia.
  6. The Venetian Castle of the Slope with the name of Saint George, which was built in the late 17th century and has been declared a grade ii listed since 1998. The hill, which is built the Castle mount the Dorpfeld classical Nirikos.
  7. The Mansion of Grivas in Peratia.
  8. The Mansion of Ragou in Lefkas. 
  9. Paliochori of Pogonias and the old village of the Slope, where preserved buildings of the old of these settlements. In the area there are some caves which are unexplored.


The city of Preveza is located in the narrow entrance of the Ambracian gulf, across the street from Actium. There 31π.x became one of the most exciting battles of the ancient world, which held the power of the Roman empire, between Octavian, the later Augustus Caesar, and Antony.

In memory of his victory, Octavian created a brilliant new city, Nicopolis, which blossomed in the next centuries, and surpassed in population of 30,000 inhabitants.

The disaster of Nicopolis almost 10 centuries later, brought to life Preveza. The historical continuity expressed by the 14th century, when the site of the ruins of Nicopolis are already listed as old Preveza.

The new town was part of the Despotate of Epirus until the overthrow of the. Venice, foreseeing the importance of Preveza, captured by the Turks, and fortified it with the famous Venetian castle.

The city, due to its position, has been a bone of contention between the French and Ali Pasha of ioannina, Ioannina, greece. Freed and joined the new Greek state in 1912.
